Families have the option of enrolling young children, ages 3-6, in the Montessori-based Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) at Blessed Sacrament on Thursday from 3:15- 5:30 p.m. This is Level I CGS. We are currently forming a waiting list of parents interested in CGS for children ages 7-9.
This level II program also includes Sacramental preparation for First Communion. If you are interested in level II Montessori programming for your child, please contact faithformation@stalphonsusgr.org by Sept. 30.
“Traditional” programming for grades K-5 will be offered at St. Alphonsus on Thursday evenings from 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. We will continue to use the Diocesan approved curriculum from Pflaum. Thursday evening catechism classes will also include students who are preparing for First Holy Communion.
All 6-8th grade students will join our newly formed youth group on Thursday evenings. Confirmation preparation will be included for this group through six additional meetings/retreats.
Children's Masses (9 a.m. Mass followed by a family continental breakfast and an activity or speaker) will take place on: Sept. 29, (Clique coffee catering outside weather permitting), Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 15, Dec 24 (4 p.m. Children’s Christmas Eve Mass), Jan. 19, Feb 16, March 16 , May 4 (includes May Crowning ceremony)
Confirmation Students Only (immediately following the Children’s Mass) will take place on Oct. 20, Nov. 3 (offsite fall retreat), Nov. 17, Jan. 19, Feb 16., March 23 (offsite spring retreat Shine Youth rally), April/May spring Confirmation (TBD)
Grades 6 –8 and Youth Group (Thursday evening from 6:30– 7:45 p.m.)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an opportunity for adults to learn about the Catholic Church. Inquirers will study and learn about the Church with a team of experienced Catholics. We meet in an informal setting to examine Scripture, Catechism, tradition and to share personal stories. We gather on Wednesday evenings in the Religious Education Office.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children is an opportunity to learn about the Catholic Church. The inquiring children will study, learn, and share our Catholic faith on Thursday evenings in age level classes.