There are many ways you could become involved in our Parish Life. Below you will find a list of ways you could volunteer to become more active in our Parish. It's also a great way to meet new people.
This entails light cleaning in the areas of the Church not covered by general maintenance. This often takes place on Wednesdays, following the 10:30am Mass. Please contact the Parish Office and you will be directed to our maintenance staff.
This committee provides for and arranges the luncheons for funerals held at Blessed Sacrament. Volunteers prepare or provide food dishes, setup, serve and cleanup after the luncheons. If you are a good cook and/or have time to help with setup, serving and cleanup, this ministry provides much comfort for family members and friends.
Time committment for the luncheon is between one and two hours, or you can add your name to our call list and provide a dish when needed. Contact the Parish Office for more information.
As we face life's challenges, the power of prayer to help and heal is tremendous. You are invited to call with any and all requests, or use your ability to pray for others and join our prayer circle. Time committment is chosen by you. Contact the Parish Office for more information.
Every June for a week we are in need of people to help. Beginning the weekend before the sale, we need help setting up the Family Center for the sale. During the week we are busy sorting and putting out items. On sale days we need people to help in a variety of ways. Please consider helping us however you are able. You can contact Marie LeMire for more information about ways to get involved.
Please check the Faith Formation tab on this websiste for more volunteer opportunities.